Amazingly written and definitely possible. Like if you wanna live to see the U.S. Navy Land Back the entire base to the Kawaiisu/Mu people!!

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I now imagine an alternate universe where the Death Valley Germans actually reached the borders of a military base just to find out it’s raining in the middle of the desert due to cloud seeding. I would believe in God right then and there.

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Ha! There was another technology in play that might have assisted them at that time, long before cloud seeding. Stay tuned!

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I love the lore of this and it’s a tragedy that the way, extant and degree of depth you’re writing, is utterly, vastly, completely out of whack with 99% of what is written on substack, or the 3 paragraph puff pieces by 25 year old women talking about how they shared a muffin with their dog, and being happy with themselves, that get 300 comments. Have you considered hiking the full JMT? I’d like to do it.

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Thanks for the kind words Nick! I'm pretty sure others are going about it the right way, but I can't help myself. I've done most of JMT but not straight through. It's definitely a goal. One of these summers!

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