I'd like to see you do some research on the accuracy, and objectivity of climate computer modeling.

To my way of thinking, the climate is possibly the most complex system we know, but yet one single variable controls the whole system, does that make sense?

Also, Bill Gates, one of the globalist oligarchs, supposedly concerned about the climate, is investing in SMR technology. Any thoughts?

I did like the narrative though😊👍

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I too enjoyed the campanile and the views from there, even though I merely lived in Berkeley, but wasn’t a student there. More often though, I heard the Amtrack in the distance from the room I rented in central-west Berkeley, late at night, which brought to mind these lines from a Hart Crane poem:

“So the 29th century – so/ whizzed the Limited – roared by and left/ three men, still hungry, on the tracks, ploddingly/ watching the tail lights wizen and converge, slip-/ ping gimleted and neatly out of sight”

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